Sunday, November 30, 2008

Love at first sight

Hmmmm.......sebelum jam 12 tgh hari, rasa2 nak tulis blog la pula.
This is my story about my first monkey love. At that time ibu was 18 years old, just after my Form 5 exam. This guy was my kampong boy. Ibu didn't know why ibu liked this guy. He was not that handsome, his complexion fair, with a little bit of moustache. He used to loiter at my neighbour's house. Everytime he came, ibu would admired and looked at him secretly from my window. Rupa2 nya ibu tak bertepuk sebelah tangan. Maybe, love at first sight. Next to my house, there lived a boy named Ali, he was only 15 at that time. Guess what ..... he was my messenger. Every evening that guy used to come to my neighbour's house, and every time when he was around , ibu would be in the room, locked and viewed myself at the window. From there, we only looked and smiled. We couldn't talk to each other, cos we're scared my granny would noticed, cos she was downstairs while ibu was upstairs. If we wanted to say something, we would write a letter, and Ali, . as a messenger, would throw that letter to ibu through the window. As a return ibu would throw it back to him to be sent to that guy.
One day he asked me for a date.... ibu was nervous cos my granny would caned me if she knew about it. Anyhow, ibu managed when my granny went to Kuala Kurau, Perak to visit her relatives. Well, anyhow that was the first and last time ibu went out with him. It happened that day was Thaipusam. So we went out together with several friends to see the Thaipusam. Actually ibu should be happy, but instead ibu was anxious and worried. It happened that while we were walking together, suddenly, he tried to hold my hand, ibu was startled, and infuriated with him. Ibu felt as if he had created a big sin and took the opportunity cos at that time ibu was really very very innocent and ibu takut dosa.
So to end up the story, from that day, ibu stopped writing a letter to him and broke off the relationship with him after several month's of acquaintance. Anyway, in his last letter, he did apologised to ibu and ibu forgave him.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Semalam ibu dgn bibik dan 3 org cucu bertolak dari Kelantan menaiki train. Train bertolak pukul 6.45 petang. Dari rumah ibu, ka stesen keretapi kira2, 5 kilometre. Di sebabkan hujan, traffic light pun blow, ibu terpaksa pergi ikut jalan jauh. Barang pula bnyk, macam org nak pergi sebulan, padahal 1 minggu saja.
Atas keretapi satu hal pula, air tak ada, punya lah sakit perut macam nak pengsan. Muka pucat, peluh sejuk, peluh sejuk, adoi sakit nya, mati lah ibu kali ni, ingat dalam hati. Macam mana lah cucu2 ibu yang 3 orang tu, kalu terjadi apa2. Tanya orang2 dalam train, selang 2 gerabak baru ada air. Dah lah perut sakit, tiba2 cucu yang sa orang ni nak buang air kecil alahai....nak buat macam mana ni. Bibik pula kena jaga 2 orang lagi, yang sa orang tu baru 4 bulan. Mak oi..... kalu kena macam ni apa nak buat..........

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

cerita dulu2

.Ibu keturunan Patani ( Thailand) + Jawa. Di Patani, masih ada lagi sedara mara yg tinggal kat sana tapi di Jawa tu ibu tak berapa sure. Ni ada satu kisah dongeng, nak dengar tak, tapi ini kisah benar.Nak percaya ke tak tu terpulang lah. Alkisah, konon nya Tok Nye ibu, dari Jawa nak datang ka Malaya (dulu) dgn sebuah kapal dagang. Tengah laut, kapal pecah, Tok Nye terapong2 dlm laut. Tiba2 datanglah saekor ikan yu yg baik hati, entah macam mana lah, Tok Nye pun naiklah ke atas belakang ikan yu tersebut. Ikan tu pun berenang lah bawa Tok Nye sampai ke persisiran pantai Malaya. Apabila sampai saja, Tok Nye pun cepat2 turun dari belakang ikan yu tersebut, takut nanti di baham nya , tak kah naya. Tetapi, setelah menurunkan Tok Nye dari belakng nya, ikan yu tersebut pun berpesan kepada Tok Nye supaya keturunan Tok Nye (tak tau berapa keturunan) tidak di benarkan memakan ikan yu, kalu makan juga akan tumbuh kudis buta. Kemudian ikan yu tu pun masuk balik ka dalam air, lalu berenang ka tengah lautan. Begitu lah al kisah nya. Wallahhualam.
Adik beradik ibu seramai 8 org, 3 perempuan, 5 laki2. Ibu anak yang ke 2. Yg perempuan semua ada pangkat SITI, cuma ibu saja tak ada. Dengar cerita konon, (cerita lagi) ibu di serah kpd nenek sbb naik kudis atas kepala dan badan. Segenap ceruk dah parents ibu cari ubat, tapi tak juga sembuh. Akhir sekali nenek minta nak cuba, dgn sapu daun2 kayu saja kudis ditubuh ibu hilang. My parents wished to take me back, but my granny protested. Dari situ lah ibu jadi cucu emas nenek.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Time remaja

Ibu tak mcm remaja skrg ni, boleh enjoy, bebas kesana kemari. Nenek ibu walaupun baik tapi very strict. Balik dari sekolah, makan nasi, naik atas masuk bilik. Rumah tepi jalan besar, ada kedai dobi, runcit, perabut. Talipon pun tak ada. Nenek juga guru Quran. Nenek tak ambil upah pun. Nenek mengajar Quran semata2 nak tolong anak2 org kampong. Sebab tu rezeki nenek murah. Bila nenek sibuk atau pun keluar rumah, ibu dan salah saorg aunty ibu (Bik Tom - dah meninggal) ambil alih mengajar budak2 tu yang seramai 20 org. Habis saja mengaji, mereka di suruh sapu sampah dalam dan luar rumah serta siram pokok bunga. Itu saja upah nya. Kadang2 nenek pegi bandar beli ramuan akar kayu untuk buat ubat makjun, masa ni lah ibu ambil peluang keluar rumah bersiar2 atau pun pegi rumah kawan, tak jauh pun cuma sebelah rumah saja. Ada satu hari tu nenek pulang cepat, ibu masih kat rumah kawan, tiba2 ibu dengar nama ibu di panggil, ibu jadi panik, cepat2 pulang, nenek tgh pegang rotan. Apa lagi masuk saja rumah, jadi lah insiden kejar mengejar antara ibu dan nenek kat dalam rumah tu. Akhirnya nenek keletihan, selamat ibu daripada rotan. Dahsyat2. Lepas Form 5, ibu pegi belajar kelas shorthand dan typing kat bandar, hmmm legalah sikit boleh tengok dunia luar, tapi tu pun bila saja habis kelas kena cepat2 balik rumah, kalu tidak kena soal la pula. Nenek juga beri ibu belajar driving. Kat kampong ada buat kelas masak memasak, nenek juga suruh ibu pegi belajar. Terima kasih nek, budi mu akan ku kenang sampai ke akhir hayat.
When i was at std 6, Convent School, our teacher would take us to the field for exercise. The field was across the road that was 100 meter opposite school. Everyday before studied we went for exercise about 15 minutes. At the field, under the tree we would changed our uniforms to short pants. It happened one day when i forgot to bring my short pants to school. I was asked by my teacher to take off my uniform and used seluar dalam for exercise. What a shame. Guess what, i disobeyed her and despite i was asked to write on a piece of paper 500 times and this is what i wrote - I MUST NOT FORGET TO BRING MY SHORT PANTS TO SCHOOL EVERYDAY. From that day i never forgot to bring my short pants to school and from that day too i began to hate that Indian teacher. At this aged also i learned to be a business girl. Before school ends, i would approached my friends and asked how many bihun goreng and nasi lemak would they like to order cos our school only sold chinese food, not much malay food. Every morning i had to carry 2 plastik bag full of bihun goreng and nasi lemak. 30 sen satu bungkus tolak upah 10 sen - lumayan juga lah at that time, but still risiko cos kalu kena tangkap dgn headmistress kena denda pula. I bought nasi lemak and bihun goreng from my neighbour and that also tanpa pengetahun nenek cos kalu dpt tahu kena marah. Nenek cuma kasi 40 sen ka sekolah termasuk tambang bas. Bukan nenek tak mampu beri lebih duit, cuma dia tak nak ajar mewah.

terkenang dulu2

flash back lagi. Masa ibu kecik dulu, minum susu dlm botol kaca orange F & N. Skrg ni dah tak jumpa dah botol tu, susu pula susu pekat sehingga umur 6 tahun. Tubuh ibu gebu dan montel, (mana tak, minum susu ikut nak, dulu2, mana ada sukatan hentam saja) . Kulit ibu tika tu puteh kemerah2an, rambut merah mcm mat salleh, tu yang nenek syg sngt tu, nama gelaran tika tu MERAH. Nenek ibu saorg bidan, buat ubat makjun, minyak angin, ubat2 beranak dan juga tukang urut. Kadang2 nenek bawa ibu dan saorg sepupu lagi pergi jual makjun ka seberang butterworth, kami bawa 2 tin kosong saorg. Kami pergi naik bas, feri dan jalan kaki sebab rumah tu dekat dgn feri tepi laut. Bila sampai sana, nenek isi makjun dlm tin tu sementara ibu dan sepupu main kat luar. Upah bawa tin, balik dpt makan ais kepal 5 sen satu - ais dimesin, kmd dibuat lubang, taruh kacang merah yg dah direbus, kepal balik, siram air gula merah dan susu pekat, kalu mat sallaeh sebut ICE BALL (skrg ni dah tak ada) beli dgn mamak maidin yg selalu tolak kereta tolaknya kat dpn umah. Nostalgia betul kan? tu masa kecik2 belum sekolah. Bila masuk sekolah rendah, cerita lain pula. Ibu jalan kaki ka sekolah dalam 500 meter jah jarak dari umah, bila tiba waktu rehat, auntie ibu bawa nasi dan air milo untuk ibu makan, duit bawa juga 10 sen (time ni 10 sen dianggap besar, boleh beli macam2). Pegi sekolah ada orang hantar, masa balik pun ada orang ambil. Satu hari (kenangan yg tak boleh dilupakan) pertengahan jalan ka sekolah, hujan turun, kasut, setokin dan baju basah tapi tak lah lencun sngt. Tengah2 belajar, dtg sa org tua berpayong, bimbit sa buah beg pelastik masuk kelas ibu.Tergamam di buatnya, nak tau tak, tu lah nenek ibu, dtg bawa baju, kasut dan setokin untuk ibu. Terharu dibuat nya, mana tak kawan2 yg lain basah juga tapi tak ada pun ibu bapa bawa persalinan untk mereka. Masih ingat lagi kata2 cik gu ibu , nama dia cik gu Baayah kpd kwn2 yg lain - tengok semua, bagus nya nenek dia, susah nak cari nenek begini, syg kat cucu.

Monday, November 24, 2008

from std 1 to 4 i schooled at tanjong tokong malay school. then convent primary school from 4 to 6, cos i came from special malay to english school. then form 1 to 5 convent secondary school. after that i became an attachment teacher for 1 year at ladang kuala ketil kedah. in1972 i took sijil tinggi pelajaran at kadir adabi school, kelantan. in 1974 i got married to my beloved husband and stayed in kelantan untill now. i got 5 kids, 3girls, 2 boys and now i became granny with 10 grandchildren. what a happy family. my hubby was a teacher and now a pensioner while i worked as a clerk at private company. walaupun tak kaya tapi hidup kami cukup bahagia ketika tu. i quit my job after 7 years of working and became full housewife untill 1988 i was detected by doctor that i had thyroid cancer. i was operated at hospital university kelantan 15th ogos and then was sent to kuala lumpur for 2nd operation at 30th ogos. i was very desperate at that time cos my children were very small at that time and i had to leave them. shukur Alhamdulillah, after several years of treatment to and fro from kb to kl, i got well. in 1991 i owned a sundry shop for about 10 years untill year 2000 where i started my new life.

biography of me

this is my story. i was adopted by my granny at the age of 2 months. tau2 saja la kalu dok ngan nenek dimanjakan. i was like a princess not allowed to do anything in the house. i got 2 aunties, and several nieces stayed together, they were the one who did the housework while i was asked to stay upstairs in the room doing nothing. all my clothes were washed by my granny. when makan time i went downstairs, after taken lunch or dinner, i was asked by my granny to leave my plates for my aunties to wash. kadang2 tu marah jugak la my aunties towards me. apatah lagi my nieces cemburu sakan la they all but what could they do cos they had to follow the boss (my granny). i stayed in double storied bungalow house at that time, and the house was always full of relatives from far and near came to visit her every week end cos my granny was a kind hearted and generous lady. when i became teenager, i was not allowed to go out like other teenage girls, even sit at the verandah or loiter outside the house. i had no freedom at all. my granny was very strict about that, apa tah lagi nak ada boyfriend. i was really like burung dalam sangkar at that time. not much money to spend like others but still i was happy. anyway, thanks to my granny for bringing me up, semoga Allah cucuri rahmat keatas rohnya.